CT News item

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Check out the article content types for an overview and explanation of what you can use the news item content type for.

Input Instructions

Tab: Content

The starting point is that the website is bilingual. This means that every piece of content on is offered in both Dutch and English and therefore every content type must also be translated. Read more about this in the input instruction Translations.

  • Go to content > add content
  • Click on 'News item

You always start editing the Dutch language version. Once you have completed and saved the required fields, you will be given the option to create a translation. Is the content to be offered in English only? Before you start entering, change the language version to English under 'Language'.

  1. Title*
    Title of post
  2. Introduction
    Introduction of the news item, is shown in bold.
  3. Summary*
    Short description of up to 250 characters. Displayed in summaries and on map views. Read about a good summary.
  4. Body*
    News item content. Use headlines, add a quote if necessary, or a button pointing to more information.
  5. Sections
    Add additional paragraphs if necessary:
    • Post (body text)
    • Image
    • Media and text
    • Video
    • Table
    • Document (attachment)
    • Web form (Drupal form)

The introduction, body and sections make up the content of the news item.

  1. Publication date*
    Date and time you publish the news item (possible to schedule publication in the future).
  2. Archive date*
    Date on which the post can only be viewed through a direct link. The news item no longer appears in search results or news listings. This field is automatically populated based on the publication date (1 year after publication).
  3. Expiration date*
    Date the post is de-published. The post is then no longer available. This field is automatically populated based on the publication date (5 years after publication date)
  4. Hero
    Large image displayed at the top of the page.
  5. Tile
    Featured image used in map views, overviews, search results and social media. Can be the same image as the hero, but does not have to be.

Advice is to always add images, even if not required.

Tab: Additional information

Once you have entered all (required) fields on the content tab, you can add additional person and contact information to the post.

  • Go to tab 'Additional information.
  1. Section
    Still under development (on Acceptance Site)
  2. Is about person
    Enter the employee who is involved in the content of jet news item, for example, the researcher about whom the post is about. Displayed under 'contact information' at bottom of news item.
  3. Literature reference
    Reference to a (scientific) publication or source. Displayed above 'contact information' below the news item.
  4. Contact information
    Explanation of ways to contact for more information about the news release.
  5. Contact person
    Employee you can contact for more information about the news item.
Metadata and related content

On the additional information tab, you can also add metadata to your news item. Read more about the importance of this information in the article Metadata.

The combination of the selection target group and type of post determine in which news overview(s) the post will be shown 'automatically'. There are overviews that are filled by default, in addition, using page type list page, a custom news overview can be generated. Read more about News items and where they should be.

  1. Target audience
    Indicate the target audience for which the news item is intended. View the agreements on this so that the post is shown in the correct overview under Agreements by news type.
  2. Type of post*
    Select the correct post type:
    • News release or more specifically, education release or research release. Other news is not used.
    • Press release
  3. Channel*
    Choose the appropriate channel: website and/or Radboud Recharge (still under development).
    If you have the rights to do so, you can check this to include the post in central news overviews. How this works
  4. Theme
    If necessary, select the research topic the news item is about. Guidelines for themes
  5. Organizational unit
    Organizational unit involved in the content/topic of the news item. This can also be a faculty or department. (Not: the organizational unit that manages the content in the CMS).
  6. Keyword
    Use if you want to generate a list of all news items tagged with this keyword. You can ask the taxonomy manager to add a keyword to the list.
  7. Related content
    Relate any other news items/content if applicable.
Tab: SEO

De SEO-tab komt op elk contenttype terug. De tab wordt deels ingevuld vanaf andere velden van het contenttype. Toch is het verstandig om te kijken of je de SEO-informatie kunt verbeteren. 

  • Klik op opslaan.
  • De velden 'titel' en 'samenvatting' in de tab SEO worden gegenereerd op basis van de ingevoerde informatie op de tab 'inhoud'. 
  • Lees welke verbeteringen je kunt doen in de invoerinstructie voor SEO (tab).

News items and where they should show up

By assigning meta-data to news items, you can display lists of news items based on certain criteria/filters, such as all news for a specific target group, or all news from an organization, on, for example, landing pages and list pages.

There are also a couple of central news overviews on the website. Not all news items automatically appear in these overviews. To do this, you must tick the box 'show on corporate overviews'. Because not all news items are relevant enough for the broad group of readers for which these overviews are intended, not everyone has the right to check this box.

Below is described for the most used overviews what needs to be done to make a news item appear in it.

Most important news overviews What to check to make news show up there (=central overview) Target audience 'externals' AND 'show on corporate overviews'
(ONLY check this if the news is relevant for a general audience, not just students/employees!) (=central overview) Target audience 'students' AND 'show on corporate overviews' (=central overview) Target audience 'employees' AND 'show on corporate overviews'
At the bottom of (a selection) Target group 'alumni' Post type = 'research news' (independent of target audience!) Sub-target audience 'teachers'

Guidelines per news type

Type of news Target groups Type of post Channel Central news overview Theme Check: relevant to other target groups
Research News Alumni, PhD student, Partners, Press Research News Website Yes Depending on subject Nee
Grant/prize posts Alumni, PhD student, Partners, Press Research News Website Yes Depending on subject No
Internal awards (Hermesdorf Prize, study award, etc) Depending on (sub)target group price News item Website Yes No Yes
Nomination posts Alumni, PhD student, Partners, Press News item Website Yes Depending on subject No
'Service news' (opening hours, heat, etc.) and other news relevant for most employees and/or students Employees, students News item Website Yes No Yes
Columns CvB (to be converted to CT Blog) Alumni, Employees, Partners, Students News item  Website Yes No Yes
Strategic collaborations Alumni, PhD student, Partners, Press News item Website Yes No No
News about the university (e.g., menstruation pilot, building plan, etc) Depending on target group News item Website No, unless it is also relevant for an external audience No Yes
News for a specific sub-target audience (e.g. HR-employees, teachers students of a certain faculty), or alumni Depending on target group News item Website No No No
In Memoriam Depending on target group News item Website Yes No No
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