The SEO tab appears on every content type. The tab is partially populated from other fields of the content type. Still, it is wise to look for ways to improve the SEO information. To do so, see the topic Incorporate relevant keywords into your content.
Tab: SEO
Field | Description |
1. Open Graph image | Here you can upload an image that is used by social media platforms like Facebook in a post, when showing a link to the webpage. If you do not upload an image, the tile will be used. Has no tile been uploaded, then the Radboud University logo will be used. Note: This field is not available for all content types. |
2. Page title | The title you see in, for example, list views (such as news listings and search results) and in a browser's tab. For a good title, see also the article Page title. Page title is automatically filled with the title of your content and site name. If it is not different, leave '[node:title] | [site:name]'. If the page title does differ from the title, you can change the page title. Note: always leave ' | [site:name]' after the title. This will automatically be replaced by ' | Radboud University' on the live site. Both parts together (so the title of the content plus the written out organization name behind it) should be a maximum of 65 characters. |
3. Description | The piece of text that, for example in Google, is displayed in search results below the page title. For good description, see also the article Meta description and a good summary. The description is automatically filled with the content of the summary field of the content type. If it does not need to be different, leave '[node:summary]'. |
4. Keywords |
Enter keywords on which you want to be found in the internal search engine. Separate keywords with commas. These search terms are not used by external search engines such as Google. Enter terms here that you prefer not to show visitors, such as incorrectly spelled words and additional keyword variants such as synonyms. Because visitors using the internal search function are already on our website, search terms with words like 'Radboud University' or 'Nijmegen' are not useful. For example: on the service page 'Diploma lost or damaged' you can think of terms like: 'diploma lost, diploma lost, diploma lost, bull lost, bull lost, diploma lost, diploma reapply, diploma request' but not 'diploma Radboud University, alumnus Nijmegen'. |
5. Canonical-URL |
Note: do not enter for now. If you are publishing a page with content that already exists elsewhere, enter the URL of the page you want search engines to index. For example, if you are copying an external news item on the website, enter the URL of the original. |
6. Robots |
Note: do not fill in for now. A page defaults to 'index'. Choose 'noindex' if you want a robot not to index the page. For example, a pre-registration form that should not be found by a search engine. |