CT Blog post

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See also the explanation of what you can use the content type blog post for in the article overview of content types.

The starting point is that the website is bilingual. This means that every piece of content on is offered in both Dutch and English and therefore every content type must also be translated. Read more about this in the input instruction Translations.

Tab: Content
  • Go to content > add content
  • Click on 'Blog post

You always start editing the Dutch language version. Once you have completed and saved the required fields, you will be given the option to create a translation. Is the content to be offered in English only? Then before you start entering, change the language version to English under 'Language'.

Field Description
1. Title* Title of blog post. Format this as a short statement.
2. Intro Introduction to the blog post. This is displayed in larger than standard font below the title.
3. Summary* Brief description of up to 250 characters. Read about a good summary.
The title and summary are also used for display in overviews and in places where this item is referenced. We call this the "map view".
4. Body*

The content of the blog post.

5. Sections Sections allow you to add additional paragraphs (post), images, video, media and text and a document to the blog post.
The introduction, body and sections make up the entire blog post.
6. Hero Large image displayed at the top of the page.
7. Tile Featured image used in overviews, search results and social media.
Tab: Extra information

In the Additional Information tab, you can add metadata to your blog post. Read more about the importance of this information in the article Metadata.

Field Description
1. Organizational unit

Organizational unit involved in the topic in the blog post content. (Not: the organizational unit that manages the content in the CMS)

  • Start typing the name of the organizational unit in the field to link the corresponding organizational unit.
2. Author*

Add the contributor who wrote the blog post. The blog post will appear on the employee's profile page.

  • Start typing in the field to link the contributor.
  • Click add item to add multiple authors.
3. About the author(s)* Short text about the author(s). Shown with the names of the author(s).

The name of the author(s) and publication date are displayed below the title of the blog post. Publication date equals time of saving the blog post.

In addition, a specially designed block below the blog post displays author(s) name and short text about the author(s).

4. Theme Select one or more (research) topics the blog post is about. The content can then also be displayed in overviews and list pages.
Het eventueel gekoppelde thema en naam van betrokken organisatieonderdeel worden onderaan de pagina van de blogpost getoond.
5. Target audience Indicate who this blog post is intended for.
6. Section Do not fill in for now. Heading is only used with content type service for now.
7. Keyword

Use if you want to generate a list of all blogposts tagged with this keyword. You can ask the taxonomy manager to add a keyword to the list.

Tab: SEO

The SEO tab appears on every content type. The tab is partially populated from other fields of the content type. Still, it is wise to see if you can improve the SEO information. 

  • Click save.
  • The 'title' and 'summary' fields in the SEO tab are generated from the information entered on the content tab. 
  • Read what improvements you can do in the input instructions for SEO (tab).
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